
Our special guests for Tempo Comodo on May 12 are DJ duo Mesan from Sydney, who’ve been plying their trade in slower sounds for many years while also playing at deep house mainstay clubs like SASH and the Sly Fox. We asked them a few questions to get to know them a bit better

When/where/how did you start DJing?

We both have known each other since Kindergarten, we went to school together and have been close friends for most of our lives. It’s funny, whilst we spent so much time together growing up and in our adolescence, we never spoke with each other about music and how much we actually loved it. I personally wanted to learn to DJ as soon as I could, which was around when I was 17. When we finished high school George left overseas to focus on playing football professionally whilst I stayed in Sydney and started an events brand/promotions agency which allowed me to DJ more frequently.

These were the days of MSN messenger so on my late nights home after gigs I would jump on the chat room and chat to George. The time difference worked perfectly for us. I started sending him music that I was playing out and he sent me some tracks too, as he had a DJ setup in his little apartment in Athens. We found that our taste and the way we thought about music was incredibly similar. We did this for years, sending music back and forth where we eventually said to each other that if George came back to Sydney we should see if we could combine our music, put together mixes and hopefully play out together. Our first gig was at Dave Stuart’s ‘Shrug’ plus one Fridays at the Civic Underground many many years ago. We submitted a mix for a competition and were selected to open the night for Pezzner. The rest as they say is history.

Where do you play these days?

Main parties for us at the moment are at SASH, a place we’ve been a regular since the beginning over 12 years ago, as well as a cool new party called Memory Lane started by Covsky and Nikkos which explores the deeper side of music, very much us, very fun parties.

What else do you do?

We have always been really passionate about putting studio mixes together. It allows us to explore more sounds and add more layers to a mix. We love the perpetual blend. Our series called Mesan Music explores this. Custom edits are also a big thing for us as it lets us tailor our sets accordingly. We’ve also finally succumbed to production and have a few tracks in the pipeline we are looking to release soon. You might hear one during our set 😉

Favourite tempo

We find 118 to be the sweet spot.

Favourite sound

Deeeep and chunky.

Favourite DJing/clubbing memory

Our 3 and a half year residency at the SLYFOX in Newtown is definitely up there. This gave us the opportunity to support some amazing internationals and play with so many talented locals. It was also a place of solitude for a lot of people especially during the lockout laws. It had a great vibe and a great family of people that worked there with an awesome sound system. It’ll always have a special place in our heart.

Tempo Comodo is all about dancing to lower BPMs, what do you like about playing slower?

We’ve never been one to play fast, perhaps it comes from our upbringing of supporting a lot of acts and always respecting the night as whole. Regardless, we find slowing down gives the music more body and substance. We can play at a slower tempo for hours and never exhaust the crowd, but always keep them engaged and wanting more. We love a journey and like to let the crowd breathe because you can’t have a peak without a trough.




Instagram:           (@mesan_)